BSC Food & Nutrition Science
Food & Nutrition science sits at the interface of a number of core scientific disciplines. Our degree course opens up a wide range of rewarding and challenging career opportunities; it equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to tackle the challenge of producing and manufacturing food for a growing global population. The UAE’s food and beverage sector will need to more than 4 times in size over the next five years to meet demand for hotel and retail projects currently under development in Dubai. About 19,000 extra f&b outlets are expected in the UAE by 2019.
Upon successful completion of the program, the students shall:
Get an overall exposure to various aspects of Food & Nutrition Science and its applications
Understand the potential of Food & Nutrition Science through knowledge of Food Processing techniques, Food Manufacturing techniques and Food quality Testing techniques, Food nutritional values, Lab Experiments, and Project work.
Develop various laboratory skill sets required to be a successful Food Technologist.